For immediate clinical concerns page the on call Pediatric Cardiologist at 1-608-262-2122, and for technical assistance Monday through Friday during business hours email us at

POX Screening Decision Tool

Data Collection

As part of the universal newborn screening panel, pulse oximetry results must be reported on the newborn blood card. CCHD screening results will be collected in a central database called WE-TRAC HEART at the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygeine.

In addition to the WE-TRAC Heart database, all babies who are diagnosed with CCHD will become part of the Wisconsin Birth Defects Registry. All babies diagnosed with CCHD, including those diagnosed prenatally, on newborn physical exam, through CCHD Screening, and later clinical presentation up to one year of age will be included in this registry.

Reporting is Easy

  • Mark PASS, FAIL, or NOT SCREENED and fill in time and date of pulse oximetry screening on newborn screening blood card.
  • For babies who are NOT SCREENED check the appropriate box indicating the reason why pulse oximetry screening was not done (refused, transferred, deceased, echo normal, confirmed heart disease, other).
  • Infants with pulmonary disease requiring treatment with oxygen
    • Photocopy newborn screening blood card before collecting newborn blood screen
    • Check “not screened” on newborn screening blood card
    • When pulmonary disease and need for oxygen resolves, screen infant and record results on photocopy of newborn screening blood card.
    • Send photocopy of newborn screening blood card with CCHD screening results to the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene

For technical assistance or questions about pulse oximetry screening process or procedure email us at For immediate or clinical concerns contact your referring pediatric cardiologist.